Introduction of electronic money as an alternative to expensive cash. Production and manufacturing processes for counterfeit-proof banknotes are complicated and cost the economy more than 2 billion francs annually. Pilot test in France with electronic card payment is successful. [«Menschen Technik Wissenschaft», January 2, 1984] 00:02:44 Credit cards and customer cards 00:04:55 Pilot test of electronic payment in Caen, France 00:10:30 Online shopping before the Internet age with videotex system 00:12:22 Swiss National Bank and electronic payment transactions 00:15:13 Data typists at the PTT The official archive channel of Swiss Radio and Television SRF: Take a journey through time and discover archive gems from over half a century! SRF archive on srf.ch 👉 https://www.srf.ch/sendungen/archiv SRF archive on YouTube 📱 / srfarchiv Subscribe to SRF archive on YouTube 📱 https://www.youtube.com/SRFArchiv?sub... SRF archive on Facebook 👥 https://fb.com/srfarchiv ______ Netiquette and User Generated Content (UGC): ► https://www.srf.ch/hilfe/rechtliches/... #srfarchiv #archiv #bargeldloszahlen #banknoteproduction