In this video, I will introduce to you two extremely attractive sources of cheap bonsai trees at Phong Son garden. This is a good opportunity to own beautiful bonsai trees at affordable prices. Phong Son garden is liquidating all the trees in the old garden, including many different types of trees, from small bonsai trees to large bonsai trees. If you are looking for a bonsai tree to decorate or give as a gift, this is a great time to shop. Contact information: Address: Phong Son garden house, Dai Noi ferry area, Truc Dai, Truc Ninh, Nam Dinh Phone: 0918484837 Hurry up so you don't miss the opportunity to own a cheap bonsai tree! YouTube tags: #bonsai #caybonsaigiare #caycanh #thanhlybonsai #vuonbonsai #caycanhnamdinh #nhavuonphongson #bonsaigiare