Do you know what transformational innovation and intrapreneurship are? And what are the possible relationships between the two? Transformational innovation disrupts the market, introducing new solutions and technologies - and often creates a new consumption and market model. In other words, it is a type of innovation that projects the future and transforms the present, ensuring a competitive scenario. Intrapreneurship, on the other hand, is the act of encouraging employees to think and act like entrepreneurs in an already established company, using their skills, innovation and creativity. But what is the relationship between transformational innovation and intrapreneurship? And what is its impact on the market? To discuss the topic, in this episode of AEVO Boost, our Host and CEO of AEVO, Luís Felipe Carvalho, welcomes the Innovation Analyst at Hospital Albert Einstein, Clarisse Dallaqua; and João Vitor Richa, Account Executive at AEVO. In the chat, the guests highlight ways to encourage employee participation in transformational innovation in healthcare, based on the practical experience of Hospital Albert Einstein, a reference in the segment. And they also explore the risks and benefits of this type of innovation. 👉About AEVO Boost AEVO Boost is a podcast about people and innovation, which explores topics related to the market, receiving guests who understand the importance of innovation as fuel for business transformation. 👉IMPORTANT LINKS If you want to understand the concept of transformational innovation and its importance, check out the article on our blog: https://blog.aevo.com.br/inovacao-tra... Get to know AEVO Boost and empower your team with our free innovation courses: https://boost.aevo.com.br/ Find out what AEVO can do for your company by visiting our website: https://aevo.com.br/ 👉SOCIAL MEDIA LinkedIn: / aevo-me Instagram: / aevo.me Facebook: / aevoti Did you like this video? Subscribe to the channel, like and comment. #transformationalinnovation #innovation #healthcareinnovation #intrapreneurship #corporateentrepreneurship #disruptiveinnovation #AEVO #AEVOBoost #transformationalinnovationinhealthcare #alberteinsteinhospital #alberteinstein #podcast