Program At Home With Cibele Attallah You are my best company! INTERVIEW WITH MIRELLA ZACANINI ON THE PROGRAM AT HOME WITH CIBELE ATTALLAH, Recorded and Produced by TV and Film Director Claudio Queiroz (@claudinho-cineasta) in the city of SP, the Program At Home With Cibele Attallah aims to transmit true knowledge, with good humor, relaxation, experience and welcome - characteristics: intrinsic to the personality of communicator and presenter Cibele Attallah - with content that informs and empowers people, bringing lots of joy and relaxation! Come with us?! Contacts: (11) 9 8376-5514 voice/zap . . . . #sp #therapist #INTERVIEW #HOST #HEALTH #ATALA #TV @TV #art #music #sidneyoliveira @Sidney Oliveira @UltraFarma Health @Cibele Attallah #wellbeing #entertainment #live #crafts #Life #healthy #fashion #travel #family #love #pets #draonio @aonio @espaçoterapeuticoenergiavital @energiavital @Amanda Françozo #divasempreendedoras #HEALTH #nipomedsaude #Padariasantamarcelina @guilhermebrito_55 #GuilermeBrito #bakery #cibeleatala @Cibele Attallah #@claudinho_cineasta #solviana #leimariadapenha #amandafrançozo #relationship #abusive #agenormaciel @agenormaciel #tvcultura #monkeypox #psychologistagenormaciel #delvale #naturaljuice #tarologist #itocathz #hospital #Education #environmental #chefaugustogastronomy #laurakamia @kamia #kamia #VIRUS #bacteria #MITE #EDSIATTI