Welcome to this new episode! My guest this week is undoubtedly one of the strongest and most solid singers in Mexico and Latin music. A talented and hard-working woman, with her spectacular voice, grace and charisma, she has achieved professional success. We met her as a member of one of the most iconic pop groups in our country, #kabah, and later she decided to start her path as a soloist. She has won over the public thanks to her touching lyrics, her energy on stage and the way she interprets each song. On television, she has participated as a judge in projects such as: Pequeños Gigantes and Pequeños Gigantes 2, #bailandoporunsueño, in the reality show #Méxicotienetalento on #tvazteca and as a coach on the program #lavoz. Thank you for being here and let's open the box of…. #MariaJose