The legend of Mikel Lejarza, El Lobo, began in 1974 when he infiltrated ETA. From within the terrorist organisation, he managed to deal the worst blow in its criminal history: the arrest of more than 200 activists. 45 years have passed since then and, contrary to what most people think, Lejarza has continued to work for the Spanish intelligence service, the Civil Guard and the Police, and has collaborated with the United States secret services. For most of those years he has been what they call a “black agent”, someone who receives his pay punctually every month in an envelope, but does not appear on the official list of agents; in this way, if they catch him on a mission, the secret service can deny having any relationship with him. After so many years of keeping silent, Mikel Lejarza has decided to tell in “I confess: 45 years of spy” the multitude of operations and actions he has carried out, together with his reflections, emotions and feelings. Accompanied by the journalist Fernando Rueda, Spain's leading specialist in espionage, together they have constructed a memoir narrated in the first person in which he tells the whole truth, sometimes bitter, almost always harsh, acknowledging his successes but also those moments of which he is not particularly proud. With the firmness of a surgeon, he unravels the intricacies of his life from when he entered the terrorist organisation as an innocent young man who knew nothing about it until his latest work in the fight against drug trafficking, international terrorism and arms trafficking. ➤ Link to the news: https://bit.ly/36pAZqp ➤ Link to the book: https://amzn.to/2JSF66G ------ More news: https://www.periodistadigital.com/ ➤ SUBSCRIBE to Periodista Digital on YouTube: https://bit.ly/36eCgjQ ✔️ Follow us on Twitter: / periodistadigit ✔️ Follow us on Facebook: / periodistadigit ✔️ Follow us on Telegram: https://t.me/periodistadigit