The CARNE EN PIJAMA tour is just around the corner, check cities, dates and tickets here: https://linktr.ee/ricardomoya Listen to Ricardo Moya's album: https://open.spotify.com/album/6hcR4z... And get the book Carne en Pijama: https://www.planetadelibros.com/libro... Now, in addition to being able to watch and listen to our programs a week in advance and without ads on Podimo, you can also enjoy Ricardo Moya's audiobook CARNE EN PIJAMA: https://go.podimo.com/elsentidodelabirra https://go.podimo.com/es/carneenpijama But not before enjoying this great interview with Esty Quesada. ----------- Esty Quesada is a Youtuber, content creator, DJ, actress and director of Barkaldo, also known as “Soy una pringada”. Based on black humor, funny analysis of movies, books and life itself, she is a fervent enemy of anyone who shouts their happiness to the four winds, do not miss this interview that will make you see the world from another point of view ;) ------------ Her social networks: Instagram: @soyunapringadalol Twitter: @soyunapringada_ ----------- FOLLOW US ON: Instagram: @elsentidodelabirra Twitter: @esdlbirra TikTok: @esdlb #ESDLB #ElSentidoDeLaBirra #RicardoMoya #EstyQuesada