It's always the same questions that people ask themselves at some point. Maria Prean and Daniel Exler answer Maren Wäschle's questions, convey clarity and truth through the word of God and their experiences in implementation. They give courage and show a way out of the confusion, fears and worries that so many people find themselves in. At the end of the video you have the opportunity to receive prayer and you can experience change in your life. God is faithful and stands by his word. Feuer im Herzen gUG https://feuer-im-herzen.net [email protected] And follow us on Instagram @_feuer_im_herzen Music license: https://uppbeat.io/t/monument-music/i... License code: KMGWPFVWTIWN5OYP https://uppbeat.io/t/oliver-massa/tru... License code: 13LXWVJJ2Q6RNS5Z