Following on from last time, MashAya, who lives in Paris, asked various questions to her French friends ♪♪Thank you to Laura and Emmanuel for answering my questions with gusto!! Since it is a long interview, it is divided into three videos. Please watch the next one if you like!! Interview 1 What is your image of Japan? What kind of music is popular in France? • [Interview 1] What is your image of Japan? What kind of music is popular in France? Interview 3 What is a recommended French movie? Do pickpockets even if you are French? • [Interview 3] What is a recommended French movie? Do pickpockets even if you are French? I upload videos of my daily life and life in Paris. Please subscribe to my channel!! I am also waiting for your requests! Please feel free to comment ♪ This video's channel "MashAyaVideo" / @mashayavideo Paris walking video channel "Paris Walk Mash Film" / @mashphotofilm MASHAYA's LINE stamps are here https://line.me/S/sticker/10229131?la... MashAyaVideo's SNS are here Twitter @mashayavideo / mashayavideo Instagram mashayavideo / mashayavideo TikTok mashayavideo #Paris #Paris #Questions for French people #Paris trip #Paris sightseeing #France #Couple