Another internal exam. It was assessed strictly, like on the state one! The mistakes are simple and very common. It is clear that the students know how to drive a car, but this is not enough to pass the exam successfully. In addition, you need to know and be able to follow the traffic rules, as well as deal with anxiety! Thanks for watching! Subscribe to the channel, put likes! Try not to make such mistakes, be attentive and careful! Driving school on Azina Votkinsk, st. Azina 19A tel. 8-912-876-39-39 https://autoschool18.ru/ https://vk.com/autoschool18 https://www.instagram.com/avtoshkola_... https://zen.yandex.ru/user/autoschool... our videos on Yandex Zen ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the development and support of the channel ???? https://www.donationalerts.com/r/alex... Errors on the route: 00:59 the cadet did not make sure that all passengers were fastened and started moving 1:19 turned on the turn signal late 2:33 turned on the turn signal late 3:39 moved to the right, and looked in the left mirror 4:03 stopped on the roadway when there was a shoulder 10:03 the cadet unsafely got out of the car and got behind the wheel 12:26 did not complete the task of driving at the maximum permitted speed 17:38 cadet violated the rules for making a turn 18:27 speeding 23:23 speeding 23:54 failed to make a U-turn at the required intersection 24:28 drove into the oncoming traffic lane in the presence of an oncoming vehicle 24:43 failed to turn on the turn signal when stopped