???? You can find books and good quality products in the store: https://oszukajczas.pl ???? Insulin and nitric oxide (NO): ✅ Insulin, through its receptors, triggers eNOS in the endothelium of blood vessels to improve microcirculation in insulin-sensitive tissues that participate in glucose utilization, i.e. muscles, liver and adipose tissue ✅ Nitric oxide scavenges free radicals, e.g. from the mitochondria, extinguishes inflammation that disrupt the signal from insulin and can cause insulin resistance ✅ NO also regulates insulin secretion by the pancreas and gluconeogenesis in the liver ✅ Insulin resistance reduces NO and NO deficiencies increase insulin resistance, i.e. a vicious circle! ✅ Capillary microcirculation disorders increase insulin resistance (first egg or chicken?) ✅ Lack of NO bioavailability results from: scavenging of NO by free radicals, especially when there is a strong inflammation and high iNOS activity (peroxynitrite), excess ADMA, excess arginase, BH4 deficiency, local hypoxia and acidosis (microcirculation disorders because then eNOS does not work), testosterone and estrogen deficiency ✅ Clinically, administration of NO boosters reduces insulin resistance and protects against the development of diabetes ???? How to increase nitric oxide levels and cure yourself from insulin resistance: ✅ Aerobic physical activity, but of course maintaining muscle mass and proper body composition is important ✅ Nose breathing and purring ✅ Skin exposure to UVA ✅ Sauna ✅ Arginine supplementation with citrulline (a diet rich in lysine!) ✅ BH4 supplementation or B vitamins ✅ Including foods rich in nitrates/nitrites in the diet but together with vitamin C and flavonoids, e.g. grape seed extract, because then it works better and safer, we increase the amount of iodine because nitrates are goitrogenic but we do not use mouthwashes, fluoride, antibiotics and antacids. This system is important when there is hypoxia and acidosis and as we age ✅ We raise the level of glutathione because glutathione is a carrier of NO ✅ We increase the production of H2S with taurine and garlic because H2S increases NO ✅ We fight inflammation and naturally regulate steroid hormones ???? Our FB group: / 403101261572368 ???? Our store: https://oszukajczas.pl TABLE OF CONTENTS: 00:00 - 05:32 - Introduction 05:33 - 12:15 - The relationship between insulin and nitric oxide 12:16 - 17:51 - Why do we lack nitric oxide 17:52 - 22:07 - How to increase nitric oxide levels with lifestyle 22:08 - 36:48 - Diet and supplementation for stimulation of nitric oxide 36:49 - 38:04 - Summary and ending ✅ Tomasz Woźniak: [email protected] ✅ BRIEFLY ABOUT ME: • Professor episode 0 - Introduction Anti Aging ✅ MY BOOKS: "Sulfur Therapy", "Nutraceuticals. What are they and how to take them safely: https://oszukajczas.pl/ ✅ MY BUSINESS CARD WEBSITE: https://xn--dugowieczno-vlb07eil.pl/ #insulin resistance #diabetes #diet