DIY rafter system. I am building a frame house and here is the next stage - the installation of the building. In the last video, I showed a rafter leg template made of inch wood, which I tried on after installing the ridge run. I used it to cut the rafters in the required quantity. I start installing with the front and back pairs, and then all the others. They are installed on the wall plate with a cut (heel or tooth - who calls it what). On the ridge run - without a cut. At the bottom between the rafters - crossbars, at the top - ties in the form of a trapezoid and crossbars. In order for the rafters to connect at the top as needed, I finish them with a plane, and if the ridge run does not allow them to close, then I finish it (with an axe or a plane). In addition to the ties, there will also be crossbars (ties) at the top, connecting the rafters under the ridge run. This will result in a reliable connection of the rafter pairs. I use 50x150 boards for all elements of the rafter system.