We show you step by step how to install a window and how to apply polyurethane foam for thermal and acoustic insulation http://www.bricocrack.tv. DIY Tutorial Thermal and acoustic insulation Insulating windows Polyurethane foam The Olivé brand polyurethane foam that we use in the tutorial is from Wolf Group Ibérico. You can find more information about Olivé's PU-47 Mega polyurethane foam on their website: https://olive-systems.com/?s=pu+47+me... The protective gloves we use are from Tomás Bodero https://tomasbodero.com/es/ More information about the screws that appear in the tutorial on the Index Fixing Systems website https://www.indexfix.com/ Temperature losses in homes occur mainly through windows. Either because the windows are old and do not give much play or because, even if they are newly purchased, they are not properly insulated. The energy efficiency of the window is altered when it is not properly installed and, above all, when it is not well insulated. In this tutorial, for which we have had the support of the Technical Department of Wolf Group Ibérico, you will discover how to correctly install a window and how to apply polyurethane foam to its contour to achieve excellent acoustic and thermal insulation. We have built a wooden frame so that you can see the step-by-step installation of the window. The first thing Juan does is remove the sash from the frame so that he can work comfortably. The window can be supported by clamps in the brick of the wall or with screws. We do it with screws directly on the wooden frame, in your case, you can also use impact plugs or the most suitable fixing depending on the material from which the opening or the pre-frame are built. Previously, we make the necessary holes in the window frame, averaging them so that the window is well fixed. Next, the task consists of holding the window frame in the opening with wedges, leveling and plumbing it perfectly. The window opening may be out of square but the window you put in will not be ????. Once you have levelled it, you can insert the screws, without tightening them too much so as not to force the frame or make it uneven again. After screwing, however, you should check the levels and the plumb again. Before applying the polyurethane foam, we protect the frame with masking tape to prevent it from getting stained by the foam. And we start to apply the foam. We are going to use PU-47 Mega foam from Olivé, Wolf Group Ibérico, because it provides us with good thermal and acoustic insulation and, in addition, it performs very well. Before applying it on the window, we do a test on a piece of cardboard and moisten the support to gain adherence. We fill slowly and avoid overflow, as it will expand later. After using the gun, we clean it with the specific solvent. And, before finishing with this tutorial, we were curious and we have done a performance test because we know that it is a very important aspect for professionals who are dedicated to installing windows. According to the manufacturer, each can is enough to fill 20 m of window. We have been able to fill more than twice as many metres and we have not completely emptied the canister. So, we can say that it is a high-performance foam! Once the foam has dried, you will see that it is easily cut with a cutter. Remember that, for it to work well, it must always be applied between 5 and 40º centigrade and that, 30 minutes after its application, you can already cut off the excess, place the covers and the window is ready. One last piece of advice that Juan gives you is that, although you do not change the windows, because they can still last a few years, you can improve their insulation and, therefore, their energy efficiency. To do this, lift the covers, remove the old insulation and apply this PU-47 Mega polyurethane foam from Olivé (Wolf Group Ibérico) in the corresponding gap. If you dare, as you have seen, the procedure is quite simple. We hope that our tutorial for installing and insulating windows with foam is useful to you and that, as always, you will tell us here below, in the comments, your experiences and opinions. Thank you very much in advance! ???? More information about Painting, Decorating, DIY and Construction at http://www.bricocrack.tv/ Presented by Juan Mateos. Follow us also on: Facebook: / bricocrack Twitter: / bricocrack Instagram: / bricocrack