Permaculture Practitioners Club information group on VKontakte: https://vk.com/permacultureclub Club channel on Telegram: https://t.me/permacultureclub Valeria Bukina on Naturbook's implemented projects and the importance of the permaculture approach for different soil, climate and geographic conditions. Speaker: Valeria Bukina, head of the Holzer Russian Permaculture Center. Valeria is a permaculture expert and a researcher of complex living systems of humans, society and nature. Valeria recently spoke in our Club about a unique urban permaculture project in a Moscow kindergarten, in the preparation and implementation of which Naturbook, Sepp Holzer and the entire staff of the kindergarten took part. This time, Valeria will talk about the implemented Naturbook projects and the importance of an individual permaculture approach for territories located in different soil, climate and geographical conditions. With such a meeting, we would like to inspire the club members, show that permaculture works, so that the participants can see positive living examples. ‼️Here's what the Naturbook team says about themselves: ????We use an ecosystem approach in design and construction; ☘️We create productive territories of nature-friendly agriculture; ????We define and implement leading productive drivers and key vectors of farm development, using permaculture technologies and principles ????The Naturbook team has experience in designing and supporting objects from 6 acres to 500 hectares. 13 years of practical experience allow the team to make accurate decisions in different climatic and geographical conditions. Over the years of practice, Naturbook specialists: ????Have conducted more than 70 official consultations with on-site visits. ????Designed over 40 permaculture objects. ????Built over 35 permaculture objects. ????Worked in 9 neighboring countries and Europe. Date of the meeting: December 21, 2023