Long working days, heavy packages and exhausted drivers: DPD is the largest private delivery service in Switzerland. A business model that is mainly supported by overworked drivers. They work up to 14 hours a day - and make up to 200 stops to deliver packages. How is something like that possible? DPD is based on a sophisticated system with numerous subcontractors. SRF Investigativ shows the enormous pressure that DPD drivers are exposed to on an average working day and speaks to various insiders. How does the DPD business model work? To the article ???? www.srf.ch/dpd This is what the report is about: 00:00 Intro 01:08 "It's an exploitative company." 05:23 Working days full of regulations and sanctions 07:07 DPD's company structure ???? 08:06 "I neglected my life, health and family." 12:18 One-sided contracts in favor of DPD ???? 16:09 Major inspection reveals abuses 19:41 Insider: "DPD is aware of this" 21:08 A driver reveals his everyday life ???? 22:36 What does DPD say about the allegations? 23:26 Wrap up ▪️ Editors SRF Impact Investigativ: Philippe Odermatt, Simone Rau ▪️ Production: Nadine Woodtli ▪️ Editing: Michael Bolliger ▪️ Camera: Moritz Hofstetter, Tobias Poppinger ▪️ Distribution: Karin Appenzeller, Larissa Greutmann, Alessandro Kälin ▪️ Director: Nina Blaser On behalf of ©2024 SRF ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ???? A NEW REPORT EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 5 PM ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Subscribe to SRF Impact on YouTube ???? / srfimpact SRF Impact on Instagram ???? / srfimpact SRF Impact on srf.ch ???? https://www.srf.ch ...................................................................... Impact Investigativ uncovers what lies hidden. We get to the bottom of the grievances of Swiss society - against resistance and with the risk of failure. Investigative research results in reports that are unvarnished and honest. ......................................................................... Social Media Netiquette from SRF: ▪️ https://srf.ch/social-netiquette #SRFImpact #Recherche #DPD