Great efforts have been made to improve water mobilization works or equipment for agriculture in all states. However, to date, the weak link in irrigation remains water saving at the plot level, i.e. significant improvements are still desired to reduce water losses at the level of the peasant plot. It is to contribute to this improvement that, between 1999 and 2003, we experimented in Kamboinsé (Burkina Faso) as part of a sub-regional project called GCP/RAF/340/JPN, 6 small low-cost irrigation systems. This video explains in detail how the irrigation systems were assembled and how they were installed. All the materials that compose them are available on local markets in sub-Saharan African countries. All the systems have a cost per ha developed of less than 6 thousand dollars. These systems were monitored for 4 years and have hardly suffered any significant degradation. The robustness is noticeable in the materials used. We recommend them to anyone who wants to get started with low-cost, water-saving and environmentally friendly irrigation.