Playing Infi and Sok. Both are strong Warcraft 3 players, which is why the game turned into a beautiful and powerful match, which in the realities of Warcraft 3 eSports is a rare spectacle. The match between them within the ladder took a rather interesting turn, as Infi decided to play unconventionally, using Dark Hunter, which does not happen very often in Warcraft 3 eSports. Find out who won by watching the new Cast and Warcraft 3 commenting! Warcraft Reforged is getting closer, so professional Warcraft 3 players are trying to improve their form in every possible way to be fully armed when Warcraft 3 eSports shines in all its glory. Subscribe to the channel if you want more Warcraft 3 Reforged content. Warcraft 3 Reforged is getting closer, so now is the time to start learning how to play Warcraft 3 in order to become a good player by the release of Warcraft Reforged. My social networks: Discord — https://discordapp.com/invite/CvukNjV VK — https://www.vk.com/wanderstrasse Telegram — https://www.t.me/wanderstrasse Twitter — / wanderbraun Instagram — / wanderbraun