Hello ☀️ Sign up for a layout: Write to me in my TELEGRAM Click on the link 👇 t.me/zera_tarot PLEASE SPECIFY WHICH COUNTRY ⭐ TO VIEW THE VIDEO TELEGRAM CHANNEL https://t.me/zerataro ZEN CHANNEL https://dzen.ru/id/661cba11a8e5ee6a9a... You can thank the author for the work (Donate) by clicking on the link For payment in Russia https://yoomoney.ru/to/4100118301061662 My name is Zera, I am a certified psychologist-tarot reader. 🌌 In the layouts I reveal problems, as well as ways to solve them🌈 You will learn a lot about yourself, your talents, abilities, and shadows.🎭 Tarot card layouts are a unique system that makes it possible to qualitatively improve your life. It gives us invaluable clues. Layouts on a deck of playing cards (Gypsy layout) show life in dynamics. My layouts are always correct, clear and competent.🪷🌺🌸 To sign up for an online consultation, call the number🌻 Please write a message, I will definitely answer.☀️💖💝