Actor, director Ramūnas Rudokas is an extremely colorful personality. He boldly talks not only about his work, but also about his personal life. In the Delfi TV show "Uncomfortable Questions", R. Rudokas told how he became an actor, told how he reacts when he is called on the street in the name of the "Women lie better" character Marijaus, talked about his work in 6 Vilnius theaters and answered questions about meeting his wife and relationship with her 4 children. Subscribe to our channel and be the first to see the shows! ???? SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL https://shorturl.at/ajnuT ???? READ https://www.delfi.lt ???? WATCH https://www.delfi.lt/video/ ???? LET'S FRIEND / delfilietuva ???? FOLLOW DELFI INSTAGRAM / delfilietuva