#ausbildungklarmachen #jobmitcharakter #jobbox You can find further details about the job here: https://jobbox.website/wie-sieht-der-... What can you expect? Officers in the General Prison Service (AVD) supervise, care for and look after prisoners in correctional facilities. In close cooperation with specialist services - including psychologists, doctors, educators and pastoral carers - they ensure that imprisoned adults and young people live together responsibly and in an orderly manner. What is it about? Officers in the General Prison Service ensure safe prison sentences in a correctional facility and support prisoners in being able to lead a life of social responsibility without committing crimes in the future. They monitor the daily routine of prisoners in the correctional facility, provide support with sports, supervise nursing care, participate in assessments and motivate each individual to achieve their individual prison goals. They talk, listen, influence the behavior of prisoners and help with personal matters. They play a major role in preparing prisoners for a life in freedom after their sentence. They take on a responsible task in an innovative environment of great importance to society as a whole and can rely on a crisis-proof job in the state administration. Officers in the general prison service work in shifts and also on weekends and public holidays in order to maintain this constant service to people. To compensate, they are entitled to days off during the week. What does the training look like? Candidates for the middle prison service complete a two-year career training course in the dual system. The training begins with a four-week introduction in a prison. The theoretical training at the prison school (prison training center) and the practical training in the respective prison facilities are taught in alternating blocks. The practical training is supervised by experienced prison officers. What will you learn in training? During the preparatory service, the candidates learn, among other things: • the organizational context of a correctional facility • the legal basics of prison law, criminal law and criminal procedure law, constitutional law and civil service law • the care and treatment of prisoners • the supervision and care of prisoners • basic knowledge in the areas of psychology, criminology and social pedagogy • administrative tasks, documentation and reporting • de-escalation, conflict resolution and self-defense During the theoretical and practical training, the candidates learn the differences between the various forms of prison, e.g. pre-trial detention, closed adult prison, open prison, youth prison or youth detention. During the practical training periods, they will be deployed in at least two correctional facilities. The training sections last at least two months. How can you apply? You can find available training places on the career portals of the state administrations of the respective federal states. For our video we were in Stralsund, in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Link: https://karriere-in-mv.de/ "Keyword: Justice" Interested in training? You can find all information about the application and recruitment process online on the prison training center's website. Link: http://www.justiz-in-mv.de/bjv/ The application documents can be submitted by post or email. Postal address: Prison training center at the FHöVPR Goldberger Str. 12 18273 Güstrow Email: [email protected] You don't yet know what you want to do after school? Or do you already have a specific career in mind, but so far you haven't been able to apply? Don't panic and go to careers advice. Take action in good time and don't miss out on any alternatives or great training opportunities with the employment agency's careers advice. You can make an appointment online at www.arbeitsagentur.de/eservices.