The debt trap snaps shut quickly. After that, the debt collection office and wage garnishment are not far away. Many young adults do not know that from the age of 18, health insurance contributions are much higher and that tax bills amount to one or two months' salary. This means that they accumulate debt right at the start of their adult life. _____________________________________________ ???? Subscribe to SRF Dok now on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/srfdok?sub_co... ???? Would you like to suggest a topic to us? Then write to us: [email protected] _____________________________________________ It was the same for Kiri, Donald, Erika and Fränzi. They all work and still live with debt. And they are no exception. Practically one in seven people in Switzerland lives in a household with arrears. The indebtedness of young people in Switzerland increases by a factor of 70 after they reach adulthood. Getting out of the debt trap is difficult. This film shows that. _____________________________________________ ▪ A film by Michèle Sauvain ▪ Camera: Ueli Haberstich ▪ Editing: Andrea Löhrer ▪ Production: Monika Zingg ▪ Director: Nathalie Rufer _____________________________________________ This is «DOK»: Our in-depth documentaries on topics from society, nature, politics, sport and business. They are stories as unique as life. NEW DOCUMENTARIES AND REPORTS EVERY WEEK _____________________________________________ ???? Subscribe to SRF Dok on YouTube now and activate the bell: https://www.youtube.com/srfdok?sub_co... ???? You can find out more about documentaries & reports here: ???? SRF Dok on Facebook: https://fb.com/srfdok ???? More stories to listen to: https://www.srf.ch/audio/themen/mensc... ???? More documentaries on Play SRF: https://www.srf.ch/play/tv/themen/dokus _____________________________________________ Channel info: The SRF Dok teams report factually, avoid "scripted reality" and are committed to journalistic integrity. The editorial team's credo: We show life in all its shades. _____________________________________________ Social Media Netiquette from SRF: ► https://www.srf.ch/social-netiquette #SRFDok #Doku #Schulden #Dok #SRF