The fourth installment of the PERFECT JOURNEY is the Kuzuryu River in Fukui Prefecture. Takeyuki Kubota, a field staff member of Megabass, Tenryu, and Yamatoyo Tegus, will fish under the blazing sun with lures currently in development, the Kagerou 100F Prototype, and a Powermaster Series "Sand Walker" rod, relying only on the information he has researched himself for day games. *Drone footage was flown with permission from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's Civil Aviation Bureau and the river office with jurisdiction over the river. *Fishing will be conducted in accordance with the rules of the fisheries association. [Sponsors] Megabass https://www.megabass.co.jp/site/saltw... Tenryu https://fishing.tenryu-magna.com/shor... Yamatoyo Tegus (FAMELL) http://yamatoyo.com/products-cat/lure... To the hidden places of Niigata ~ In search of clear stream sea bass ~ [PERFECT JOURNEY] VOL.1 • To the hidden places of Niigata ~ In search of clear stream sea bass ~ [PERFECT JOURNEY] VOL.1 A sea bass over a meter long appears in a small river in Kumamoto [PERFECT JOURNEY] VOL.2 • A sea bass over a meter long appears in a small river in Kumamoto [PERFECT JOURNEY]... In search of clear stream sea bass in Akita [PERFECT JOURNEY] VOL.3 • In search of clear stream sea bass in Akita [PERFECT JOURNEY] VOL.3