Who is Robert Arlinghaus and what drives him? A film portrait highlights the various aspects of the work of the 2020 Communicator Award winner. Professor Dr. Robert Arlinghaus is an expert in integrative fisheries management. He works at the Humboldt University of Berlin and the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB). He receives the award, worth 50,000 euros, for his diverse commitment to science communication: from comics and films to podcasts and science slams to participatory formats, lecture series and books. He wants to link angling with the socially relevant issues of sustainability, environmental protection and the responsible use of nature and to this end he communicates with anglers and fisheries managers, but also with conservationists, water users, political decision-makers and the general public. More information about the prize and the winners can be found at https://www.dfg.de/gefoerderte_projek... The film was produced by Sterntaucher, Hamburg. The film can be downloaded at https://mediathek.dfg.de/videos/preis... At https://www.ifishman.de you will find all the research results that Prof. Dr. Robert Arlinghaus and his team have published in recent years.