Melkoti's song by Shajarian Saz and Abu Atta's song from the album Eshgh Dand ----------------- Poetry by Hafez in our opinion, the ignorant are surprised. Who are wandering in this circle, the manifestation of his face is not the only one I have seen. The moon and the sun turn the same mirror. Our covenant is closed with the sweet lips of God. We are all servants and this people of God. Don't reach the blind moth, in which the experts are surprised. The gem of existence to Nisar Afshanand Zahid Ar Randi Hafez, don't understand what happened? May the devil flee from those people who become Quran reciters, because of our opinion, the Moghabchigans will not become hostages after this Sufi cloak #shajarian #iranianmusic #mohammadreza_shajarian