Halfway between an interview and a chat with friends, we will meet various photographers on the national scene. On this occasion, we will learn about the work of Joan Vendrell https://www.joanvendrell.com/fotos/jo... / joanvendrell / @joanvendrell ✅ Do you want to enjoy the offer of my 20025 Calendar and the new "Field Notebook? ???? https://javieralonsotorre.com/calendario ✅ Learn and enjoy photography with my books and ebooks ???? https://javieralonsotorre.com/libros ✈️ Travel, learn and enjoy photography with me https://javieralonsotorre.com/tallere... FOLLOW MY WORK ON: Web: https://javieralonsotorre.com/ Instagram: /javier_alonso_torre/ Telegram Channel: https://t.me/+SDGkZw3DlkgVKorD Contact: [email protected] Recording, editing and assembly: Javier Alonso Torre