Lately I have been asked a lot of questions about pruning roses, preparing roses for winter, and pruning times. And many other questions related to preparing roses for winter. I understand why there are so many questions related to preparing roses for winter. The period is very important, and the advice on the Internet is very different and often very contradictory. And many pieces of advice are in the "harmful" category. Today we will talk about pruning roses. I do not want to impose my pruning method on you. This is just my experience. And nothing more. I understand that others like it differently. Maybe there are other pruning methods - I do it the way I am used to over many years of my rose growing. I like it that way. Roses bloom well and abundantly. In addition, with experience you understand that roses from the same group, for example, the floribunda group, depending on the variety, may require different pruning. #happygardener #rosepruning #pruning #autumnrosepruning