#implant #implantcare #creamdental #DirectorKimJungRan #howtomakeimplantslastlong #implantlifespan #implantregularcheckup #implantdental #diseaseencyclopedia 'Health Chosun Disease Encyclopedia' This week's topic is 'implantcareandmaintenance'. DirectorKimJungRanofcreamdentalwilltellyouhowtocareforimplantsforalongalonga. Many people think that implants have a fixed lifespan. The average lifespan of implants is known to be around 10 years, but the lifespan can vary greatly depending on how you care for them. It is reported that if you care for them well, they can last up to 20 years. Just like natural teeth, implants can develop plaque and tartar, and can be damaged by strong foods, so you need to know and be familiar with the management methods. /Health Chosun Editorial Team [email protected]