Honor killings, rowdy-bully clashes, drunken brawls, muggings and theft. While the vast majority of city dwellers were unaffected by these incidents, ordinary violent crimes were a commonplace everyday occurrence in late 19th-century Istanbul. Most of these were the product of specific subcultures, each with their own standards of violence, such as rowdy and bullying, or various refugee and immigrant communities. Other violent incidents were rooted in more universal impulses, such as greed, anger and sexuality. On the other hand, the state increasingly monopolized control of violence during this period, and most people accepted the state's monopoly on violence and sought help from the police and the justice system rather than responding directly to violence. For some, violence was a means to dominate others, gain status or get rich. For others, it was just entertainment. Istanbul was a unique city in many ways. * Click here if you want to become a KATIL member and benefit from the advantages! Courtesy is a must, hate speech is blocked, humor and jokes are allowed! / @tarih_obası