In this video I briefly refer to the subject of nullity due to lack of technical defense; it is a case in which the Superior Court of the Judicial District of Cali declared the nullity by retroactively bringing back the preparatory hearing; during the development of the same purification hearing, the technical defense fell short in terms of supporting the evidentiary request, so the Judge did not decree his evidence; once the appeal filed by the legal professional was resolved, the collegiate body declares the nullity. Today, the doctrine and jurisprudence of the closing court has ruled on the failures incurred by the judges due to ignorance of the accusatory criminal system, which affects the representation of the defendants; it also warns that the Judge must be attentive to this irregular situation and correct it. On this subject, you can consult the files 26827/07, MP Dr. Julio Enrique Socha Salamanca, 41544/13, MP Dr. Gustavo Enrique Malo Fernández and recently 45790/16, MP: Malo Fernández.