What is something that is essential to do at a meeting or interview? The time to appeal to people as an attractive and good person is the 'self-introduction' time. Self-introduction is really important because it determines my first impression and is the only time I can reveal who I am. Since my job is an instructor, I have introduced myself in front of the audience a lot, and as I did so, I realized that I have some rules for introducing myself well. I hope this will be helpful to those who have difficulty introducing themselves.^^ 🏫 Want to become a Kim Mi-kyung TV YouTube college student? 👉https://cafe.naver.com/kmktv1 ▶Subscribe: https://goo.gl/q2hA59 ▶Insta: /mikyungkim_kr ▶Kakao Story: https://story.kakao.com/ch/kimmikyung ▶Click 'Subscribe' and 'Like' to watch all of star instructor Kim Mi-kyung's broadcasts without missing them! #Self-introduction #1minute #Charm