Here is Whijam broadcasting from Chijijik. https://chzzk.naver.com/076992e5130a0... The cheering for the students during the broadcast is such a great strength! The 10th batch achieved Buddhahood on the 10th day. These days, the 4th gate of Kamen has actually become a meta where dealing damage is the main focus, and it would have been much easier to learn in a public group than in an academy group in terms of simply clearing it. Despite the long-term notice of the try, I am certain that the 10th batch who applied have a level of skill that is on a whole other level than the other batch members. Since this batch of 10th batch members was mainly made up of those who had just started playing LoA or had just returned, it took a little longer to learn the basic aggro management and patterns of the raid, but they were more passionate than anyone else and worked harder than anyone else to learn and practice. Also, since you practiced that much, I am sure that your proficiency in the overall pattern of the 4 gates, the 210-line force, and the 6 gate pattern will be higher than that of other Buddhas! It must have been difficult and frustrating, but I would like to thank the 10th class members who believed in me and the members of the raid, and I congratulate you once again. In fact, there has not been a raid harder than the 4th gate of Kamen yet, so the future raids will be very easy! I hope that you will have a wonderful time in your future life and in your current life as you have been doing so far! You worked hard, 10th class members!!