TEACHER'S INSTAGRAM (DAILY TIPS and SUMMARIES) - FOLLOW /. . =============== INTENSIVE PLAYLIST 2020 =================== 1ST TO 11TH CLASS • INTENSIVE IF 2020 - 2021 == =================================================== ==== 1st QUESTION. (IFMA – 2014 selection exam). A wall is built by 4 bricklayers in 8 days. How many more bricklayers will it take to build another wall, the same as the previous one, in just 4 days? A) 4 bricklayers B) 2 bricklayers C) 6 bricklayers D) 8 bricklayers E) 10 bricklayers 3rd QUESTION. (IFMA – 2018 selection exam). At a certain “Torra -Tudo” sale in a shopping mall in São Luís, the signs indicated: Everything with a 40% discount in cash. Seu Geraldo paid R$90.00 in cash for a shirt during this sale. How much does this shirt cost without the discount? A) R$ 130.00 B) R$ 140.00 C) R$ 150.00 D) R$ 126.00 E) R$ 120.00 2nd QUESTION. (IFMG – 2011 selection exam). Paula's car travels 65 km with 5 liters of fuel, how many liters of this fuel will it take for Paula to travel 156km A) 10 Liters. B) 11 Liters. C) 12 Liters. D) 13 Liters. 4TH QUESTION. (IFSMG – 2011 selection exam). Thirty rural workers harvest a farm's coffee crop in 80 days. To carry out the harvest in 60 days, you will need: A) 40 workers. B) 50 workers. C) 45 employees D) 23 employees #SIMPLE RULE OF THREE