Link to purchase the Electrical Calculations Spreadsheet: https://hotm.art/ytd-planilha-calculo... Link to purchase the Load Panel Calculation Spreadsheet: https://hotm.art/ytd-planilha-quadro-... Link to purchase the Electrical Plant Sizing Spreadsheet: https://hotm.art/ytd-planilha-plantas... __________________________________________________ If you like the Eletricity channel and want to contribute to the generation of quality content, then access one of the options below: PIX KEY ???? [email protected] QR CODE ???? https://bit.ly/doacao-pix __________________________________________________ Receive Eletricity content straight to your email! Sign up using the link below: ???? https://bit.ly/cadastro-eletricity __________________________________________________ Link to videos related to the subject: Does IDR act or not? Check out 12 practical situations. ???? https://bit.ly/2HiZ7PA How the IDR works, See inside! ???? https://bit.ly/2ZdaNh2 Can I get shocked even with an IDR? We tested it for you and the result was incredible. ???? https://bit.ly/2ZfIMBu __________________________________________________ ???? Check out our content ???? ???? https://linktr.ee/Eletricity __________________________________________________ The IDR or DDR is still an electrical device that causes many doubts among electrical professionals. The doubts are diverse, but we tried to clarify some of them in this video. The IDR was created to protect the human being in case of accidental contact with an energized part, this contact can be direct or indirect. The purpose of the DR is to identify this electric current that is passing through the human body and disarm it, protecting the person from exposure to electric shock (electric current passing through the body). We can find IDR or DDR with various sensitivities to leakage current: 30mA, 100mA, 300mA, 600mA, 1000mA, etc. The most common model found is the 30mA DR, this value was defined based on studies that proved that values above 30mA in the human body can cause serious damage, this study takes into account the value of the current and the exposure time. DRs can be bipolar, tripolar or tetrapolar. Their connection method will depend on the characteristics of the circuit. The NBR-5410 standard requires that DR be installed in all places subject to humidity and the presence of water, but there is no restriction on the use of DR in all electrical circuits. A DDR can even be used as the main disconnecting device in the electrical panel. Another very common question is whether DR can be used in showers. This topic is more complex and needs to be explored in more depth, but basically what we can say is that the RCD must be used in showers and the manufacturer must provide conditions for installing the device in its shower model. RCD Operating Concept and Some Normative Data: The vector sum of the currents that pass through the active conductors in the toroidal core is practically equal to zero (Kirchhoff's Law). There are natural leakage currents that are not relevant. When there is a ground fault (leakage current), the sum will be different from zero, which will induce a residual current in the secondary that will cause, by electromagnetism, the RCD Device to trip (circuit shutdown), provided that the leakage reaches the RCD Device's trip zone (according to ABNT NBR NM 61008 standard, the RCD Device must operate between 50% and 100% of the nominal residual current - In). The relevance of this protection means that the Brazilian Standard for Electrical Installations – ABNT NBR 5410 (mandatory use throughout the national territory, according to law 8078/90, art. 39 - VIII, art. 12, art. 14), clearly defines the protection of people against the dangers of electric shocks that can be fatal, through the use of a high-sensitivity DR Device (≤ 30mA). The DR Device is easily installed directly on the electrical distribution panel. Its benefits are so important that ABNT NBR makes its installation mandatory in feeders of hazardous areas, such as: kitchens, bathrooms and outdoor areas of residences, public buildings, supermarkets, shopping malls, hotels and other public and private facilities. A Big Hug to Everyone. ???? Tune in to #eletricity ???? __________________________________________________ ???? Most Watched Videos: What THEY DIDN'T TELL YOU about the 3-PIN SOCKET CONTROVERSY. ???? https://bit.ly/2JE4P07 How to Make Curves and Unevenness in Electrical Cable Trays. ???? https://bit.ly/2ABlrk4 Higher Voltage Lower Current, True or Myth? We'll Prove It for You (Part 01). ???? https://bit.ly/2xvtzRB Do You Know All the Functions of the Wire Stripping Pliers? ???? https://bit.ly/2GD5Sun