Learn all about the discursive test for the ICMBIO (Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation) competition. Professor Bruno Marques, one of the greatest experts in writing for competitions in Brazil, analyzes the ICMBIO notice, focusing on the Environmental Analyst discursive test, explaining the Case Study (Problem Situation) and the Cebraspe board rules for this type of text. ???????? ICMBio Discursive Course (Post-announcement) Cebraspe – Environmental Analyst – 3 individual corrections: https://voceconcursado.com.br/curso-d... #concursoICMBIO #ICMBIO2024 #ICMBIO2025 #discursive #concursoICMBIO ***** To ensure the best experience for enrolled students, all courses, products and services are subject to closing of new enrollments without prior notice. Confirm availability on the website at the time of registration.