So yes. 3 days after the new timetable and I decided to capture what has changed and you can see it. In this timetable there are new trains such as IC Wybrzeże, TLK Żeglarz, but that's not all. IC Fredro runs to/from Warszawa Wsch. instead IC Mickiewicz Wrocław - Białystok - Wrocław. Instead of Kormoran runs IC Korfanty Wa-wa -Bielsko-Biała - Wa-wa and Pilecki changed the route to Żywiec - Wa-wa - Żywiec. There will be more changes in the timetable as soon as I manage to get to the station. Gama Alza Cargo arrived in Skierki with a delivery of aggregate for unloading and probably for Budokrusz. There was also Edgar RP, Vectron Milena, Byczek 011 PKPC, a PLK train and more. Today's Fredro to Wrocka on boxes. anyway, I invite you to watch ;) Fanpage: / maystermktv-1435249609868875