Material: https://maisaprovacao.com/wp-content/... ➡️Recorded Japeri Class - https://maisaprovacao.com/produto/aul... ➡️Preparatory - Teacher II - São Pedro da Aldeia https://maisaprovacao.com/produto/tur... ➡️Preparatory - OE - São Pedro da Aldeia https://maisaprovacao.com/produto/sao... ➡️Preparatory - TAE - CPII https://maisaprovacao.com/cpii ????Our Page https://maisaprovacao.com/ ???? WhatsApp Community???? https://maisaprovacao.com/comunidade ???? Our WhatsApp 21 97455-1873 ????✨ Explore the Universe of Education: LDB, ECA, BNCC and CF88 with Mais Approval! ???? ???? Are you preparing for public exams, especially in the teaching field? Do you want to understand the main educational laws in Brazil? Don't miss the chance to master these acronyms that are essential for success in exams, especially those of the IBAM board. ???? LDB: Law of Guidelines and Bases of Education ???? The LDB is the central piece that governs Brazilian education, defining standards and principles for the entire educational system, ranging from early childhood education to higher education. Understanding the LDB is crucial to answering questions about the structure, organization, and foundations of the education system in the country. ❓ What are the most relevant articles and provisions of the LDB? ❓ What are the rights and duties of students and teachers? ❓ How does the LDB impact the curricular structure and school management? ???? ECA: Statute of Children and Adolescents ???? The ECA is another essential legislation, addressing the rights and duties of children and adolescents, including areas such as education, health, protection and social participation. Knowing the ECA is essential to understand the obligations of schools and education professionals in relation to minor students. ❓ How does the ECA influence educational policies? ❓ What are the rights of children and adolescents in the educational context? ❓ How should schools and educators act in accordance with the ECA? ???? BNCC: National Common Curricular Base ???? The BNCC is a curricular reference that defines the essential set of learning that all Brazilian students have the right to develop during their school career. Understanding the BNCC is essential to understand how curricular content is structured and how teaching is planned and evaluated. ❓ What does the BNCC establish as essential learning for students? ❓ How are curricular contents organized according to the BNCC? ❓ What is the importance of the BNCC for teaching planning and assessment? ???? CF88: Federal Constitution of 1988 ???? The Federal Constitution of 1988 is the fundamental law of Brazil, and understanding its principles is essential to understanding educational policies and education guarantees in the country. ❓ Which articles of the CF88 are related to education? ❓ How does the Constitution influence educational legislation and public policies? ❓ What are the educational rights guaranteed by the CF88? ???? Learn from Experts ???? In this session, Professor Giselly Dias will not only explain each of these acronyms, but will also provide practical tips for studying these laws effectively. You will learn how questions on these topics are formulated in public exams, which will increase your chances of success. ???? Join Our Community ???? We look forward to your participation in this enriching live event. Share it with your colleagues and friends who are also seeking approval. Together, towards victory! ???????????? #PublicExams #IBAM #NotionsOfPublicAdministration #HistoryOfJaperi #Preparation #SuccessInStudies #ProfessorErikPontes #MoreApproval #FiguresOfSpeech #PublicExams #IBADE #Learn #SuccessInStudies #ProfessorLeonardoMartins #MoreApproval #GisellyDias #ProfGisellyDias #IBAM #bullying #pedagogy #inclusivepedagogy #lawofguidelinesandbases #LDB #ECA #bncc #bnccinpractice #bnccinearlychildhoodeducation #ldbcommented #CarlosChagasFundation #FCC #GetúlioVargasFundation #FGV #IBAM #Cebraspe #IBADE #AOCPInstitute #AOCP #IADEs #Selecon #UniversaFoundation #IBFC #VunespFoundation #VUNESP #QuadrixInstitute #Idecan #IDAUPE #IAUPE #CesgranrioFoundation #cesgranrio #CESPE