"A Narrative" is the title of a series of conversations that narrate the personal and social experiences of well-known Iranian personalities in their own language. In another program of this series, we sat down to talk with "Mansour Bahrami", a professional Iranian tennis player who has been living in France for more than 40 years. Mansour Bahrami retired in 1992, but still plays tennis on a show basis. Mansour Bahrami's strange movements and different and entertaining game with tennis ball and racket has fascinated the tennis audience in many world tournaments. The focus of our conversation with Mansour Bahrami is the story of his departure from Iran and the resumption of tennis in France. ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Radio Farda; Contact time: Website: www.radiofarda.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/radiofarda Facebook: www.facebook.com/radio.farda Twitter: www.twitter.com/radiofarda_ Telegram Id: @fardagram Soundcloud: www.soundcloud .com/radio-farda TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@radio.farda