Hi, girls and boys too, tutupom? I want to wish you all a happy NEW YEAR, I don't know if there will be another video this year #BestInTheWorld. Guys, in today's video I'm going to open my presents that I got for Christmas from my family, @lorelayfox, @divadepressao and Rafa Dias. But I'm already warning you that I'm going to change everything! ☆ Who is Blogueirinha? ☆ The biggest and best Blogger in the WORLD, actress, singer, youtuber, mother, vegan, runway model, photo model, medical student at USP in LA, life coach and tutupom! ☆ Subscribe to the channel: http://bit.ly/2Wwgy81 ☆ ☆ Follow me on social media, tutupom? ☆ Instagram: /blogueirinha Twitter: /iblogueirinha Contact:[email protected]