Even if I get sick, I will make them a quick, delicious, and very filling artichoke broth. As for the successful batbout, it is 100% successful. All information about my article is new. WhatsApp link: https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=2... Product link: https://wadoxe.com/products/sekiskozr... Instagram link: https://www.instagram.com/wadoxe.co?i... Information about my article in front of the WhatsApp link Wadox: https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=2... Product link: https://wadoxe.com/products/elittava Instagram link: / wadoxe.co Ingredients for artichoke broth: Meat, a tablespoon of red pepper, a tablespoon of ginger, a tablespoon of turmeric, a tablespoon of dried coriander, half a tablespoon of coriander, parsley, garlic, a large grated tomato, a large grated onion, artichoke oil, olives, a little lemon Destiny Salt Ingredients for Batbout Half a kilo of whole wheat Half a kilo of flour A tablespoon of sugar A tablespoon of instant yeast Water Salt Ingredients for sweet Msmen Half a kilo of flour A cup of Fino 100g A tablespoon of sugar A tablespoon of yeast for sweets 2 tablespoons of oil Water Two bags of roasted cocoa 2 tablespoons of sugar A sachet of vanilla Butter for layering