Chikugo-Funagoya, Shin-Omuta and Shin-Tamana on the Kyushu Shinkansen are stations that most Sakura trains pass through. I rarely have a chance to go there, so I took the chance to go. Which of these stations has the fewest passengers? The results will be announced at the end! ~Gami's recommended videos~ ① I went to the station that is the hardest to get to by Shinkansen. → • I went to the station that is the hardest to get to by Shinkansen. ② [Kagoshima-Chuo → Tokyo] I rode the Shinkansen Nozomi all the way. → • [Kagoshima-Chuo → Tokyo] I rode the Shinkansen Nozomi all the way. Real-time updates on the journey! Twitter⇒ / jy09gami3