🔗 Watch the full video HERE: https://dvtv.ink/oskar_hes "At first you just try to survive, I started enjoying the competition later. I was energized that the jury looked at us like professionals, and I started to immerse myself in it more. I love dancing, you can understand things better through movement than through words," says actor Oskar Hes, winner of the 13th season of the StarDance dance competition. "Social networks are still not that important to me, I believe in personal encounters and the magic that can shine between people. I hope that the phenomenon of casting roles based on followers will be on the decline," he adds. 🎥 SUBSCRIBE TO THE BEST INTERVIEWS ON YOUTUBE: https://dvtv.ink/YouTube 👁 Follow us on Facebook: / dvtv.cz 📸 We are also on Instagram: / dvtv 💬 You can also find us on X /Twitter/: / dvtvcz 🎙 Subscribe to us as podcasts via RSS in your apps: https://dvtv.ink/podcasty