When Andrea Bizzotto found out that he had incurable cancer, his wife Maria was five months pregnant. Today their daughter Giulia is two years old, but the 33-year-old will not be able to see her grow up. Andrea wants to leave Giulia something lasting and types his life story into his cell phone while in his sickbed. His autobiography is written chapter by chapter. "I hope that Giulia will hold this book in her hands one day. So that she knows who I was." Gabi and her husband also do everything they can to ensure that their four-year-old daughter Lena has as carefree a childhood as possible. When Gabi was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 38, Lena was still a baby. By chance she came across the audio book project of Judith Grümmer, a radio journalist who produces audio biographies for seriously ill young parents. "The audio book also says a lot about my character and helps her understand who her mother was," Gabi hopes. "When I'm no longer here, there will be no one who can tell Lena these stories about me." The film follows seriously ill parents as they struggle for a "good" end to their lives. How they prepare a legacy that their now young children can use to remember them later. ______ A film for people up close by Renate Werner This film was produced in 2019. All statements and facts correspond to the status at the time and have not been updated since then. Other documentaries on the topic: • When siblings have a disability... ______ ✨ More on the topics of dying, death and grief on our Instagram channel 21Gramm: / 21gramm.wdr