“Demystifying the online teaching-learning process” is the theme of the 1st Virtual Seminar of the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE), which will be held from July 1st to 3rd on the Institution’s YouTube channel (/ufrpeoficial). UFRPE professors and students are invited to actively participate in this training process, which aims to discuss and deepen pedagogical processes, teaching resources, and specific methodologies for remote teaching through digital information and communication technologies. Participating in the opening panel are the magnificent rector of UFRPE, professor Marcelo Brito Carneiro Leão; the pro-rector of Undergraduate Education, Maria do Socorro de Lima Oliveira; and the director of the Academic Unit for Distance Education and Technology (UAEADTec), Jorge Correia da Silva Neto. Important links: Opening Panel: https://bit.ly/2V6fHt1 Thematic Panel 01: https://bit.ly/3hRvIwB Thematic Table 02: https://bit.ly/37TRTNT Thematic Table 03: https://bit.ly/37Yf0Hh Thematic Table 04: https://bit.ly/37Z8obO Thematic Table 05: https://bit.ly/3eChNZr