Hello everyone! Today, we read the long-awaited malicious comments that we've been putting off for so long ???? In fact, we filmed it by selecting malicious comments after adjusting the level ㅠㅠ ㅎㅎㅎㅎ tsk tsk ㅠㅠㅠ Actually, there aren't many malicious comments on our channel!! But occasionally..the malicious comments we see hit my heart...???? ㅎㅎ But!!!!!!! Because we know that there are more people who like us ???????? I think we can work harder without worrying about malicious comments ♥️ But still ~~ I wish there would be a world without malicious comments...!! ㅎㅎㅎ Thank you so much for watching today's video, and we'll come back with a more enjoyable video next time! Gureooum~~ Angnong! ☺️ The unique and extraordinary daily life record of three siblings who are one year apart in age ♥ Subscribe and like :) And please watch a lot ~ ???? Insta one year apart hansal___ The day after tomorrow (first) morrrrr__ Tomorrow (second) whateveriwantgood One day (third) uuuuuuu_._._ Advertising and business inquiries: [email protected]