???? DISCOUNTED VIDEO LEGEND! Everything you need to know to create effective videos ???? https://bit.ly/VideoLegendScontato ▽▽ Expand the description! ▽▽ ∴∴∴ Instagram: / wildflowermood ∴∴∴ ∴∴∴ My courses: https://wildcreatoracademy.it/ ∴∴∴ Vanlife in Sardinia between cliffs and surfers. My third stop of Italy on the road is Sardinia... here's what happened! Sardinia on the road: the third stop of my trip to Italy! After being stuck in Italy due to COVID, this summer I decided to travel to Italy and rediscover the beauties of our country. After spending a month in Sicily and 3 weeks in Puglia, it was time to stop by Sardinia. Here in Sardinia I took a van, you will find a van tour inside the video, and I decided to explore the north coast of this island. Here is where I passed for this trip to Sardinia: Alghero Coastal road Alghero/Bosa Santu Lussurgiu where we slept in the beautiful Antica Dimora del Gruccione Naturalistic Archaeological Park of Santa Cristina Gergei where we slept in the beautiful Domu Antiga where we experienced the preparation of cheese and pasta Tombs of the giants Sa Dome e s'Orcu Porto Pollo and the entire north coast of Sardinia where we toured in a Van. Follow me on Instagram ???? / wildflowermood @thelazytrotter accompanied me on this trip ???? And 3 fantastic Sardinian women: Eleonora @sardiniahikes proud of her territory took us to the Maddalena Cristina @crisbenefico yogi and loving person (grew up in the lighthouse) Lucia @unasardatralenuvole embodies the strength of Sardinian women Come and see the series Italia on the road and my dedications to these other two regions: Sicily ???? • DONE HALFWAY THROUGH THE TRIP SICILY ON T... Puglia ???? • HERE'S WHAT MEMORIES TASTE ABOUT PUGLIA... ⨹⨺⩓⨹⨺⩓⨹⨺⩓⨹⨺⩓ ⊽ Technology that allows me to live on the road ⊽ https://wildflowermood.it/attrezzatur... Online work courses: 40% off with the annual Skillshare subscription ???? http://bit.ly/WFMSkillshare Where do I find the music for my videos ???? http://bit.ly/2MplTIx €50 discount on AirBnb with this link ???? https://www.airbnb.it/c/francescar208 ⋐ Business mail: [email protected] ⋑ ⨹⨺⩓⨹⨺⩓⨹⨺⩓⨹⨺⩓ #sardegna #ontheroad #nosmallcreator