Pepe Misterio interviewed Nataly, whose life took an unexpected turn when a simple statement led her to be trapped in the Apodaca II prison. From the first day, she faced a brutal reality: discrimination, abuse of authority and an environment without any respect. What began as a routine procedure ended in a three-year sentence that took away her business, her money and even her partner. But what she never lost was hope. Adapting to the prison was a daily battle, but over time, Nataly became a respected inmate, recognized for her work and dedication within those walls. Nataly Oviedo lived through hell when she was taken prisoner without evidence or verifiable crimes to the Apodaca II prison. Being a trans woman, she had to endure and learn to deal with men who could not avoid the temptation of looking at or trying her charms. #mystery #documentary #true #story #pepe