Sunday PKP Intercity trains at Warszawa Zachodnia station. I caught interesting locomotives: Taurus Ceske Drahy with the IC Silesia train to Praha Vrsovice, the new Griffin EU160-047, Vectron Katerina (CargoUnit) with the IC Sobieski train, which had an interesting combination, due to the titular 155A car, i.e. a car in which, as a result of modifications, a catering section was created. I also caught the IC Konopnicka on the extended Wrocław - Olsztyn route. Impuls Europejczyk SKM Warszawa and the Lutynia train of the Polregio company are also guests in this section. In addition, the SM42 SKPL locomotive, which stood on the track next to platform no. 8. There were also sparrows, a pigeon and a very cute dog called Pestka. I invite you to the episode! ???? You can help the channel grow by supporting it on YT or giving a tip via SMS / bank transfer: https://tipply.pl/u/sqrt9 ????????????