SEX SOCKS! This time, Yle Summer's Emma reacts to the much-requested sex mok. Embarrassing situations and mistakes happen to everyone, and you should be able to laugh at them. Information about sex, sexuality and contraception: ???? https://www.hyvakysymys.fi/artikkeli/... ????https://sexpo.fi/neuvonta/nettineuvonta ☔️https://www.vaestoliitto.fi/nuoret/eh. .. SUBSCRIBE CHANNEL: / @ylesummeri ALL YLE SUMMER SOMET @ylesummeri IG: / ylesummeri TIKTOK: https://vm.tiktok.com/gadVAp ARENA: http://yle.fi/summeri Performer: Emma Kakkonen Cinematographer: Tino Partanen Editor: Timi Nordman Music: Epidemic Sound Some producer: Kaisu Kolu Producer: Salla Pietiläinen Responsible producer: Markku Mastomäki Responsible editor: Ville Vilén Creative contents and media General