📲 Be my mentee at Mentoria Start 👇 https://www.pedrodellanora.com.br/men... 📲 Follow me on Instagram and see my day-to-day life at the store 👇 / pedrodellanora 📲 Receive content also on Telegram 👇 https://t.me/+O6PMA-ymaPM3OGIx Many people asked me to show them my store. So here is a complete tour of all the sections of Supermercado Ideal, my supermarket. Even though I know it is not everyone's reality, the idea of me showing you my store is for you to understand the logic and strategy of my supermarket. So even if you are a grocery store, a small grocery store, it doesn't matter! The idea here is for you to be able to replicate, within your reality, what I do here and allows me to profit every month. See in practice how I set up the layout of my supermarket and from this base, start your tests to profit more!