You know those really traditional fishing trips? With a freshly made country rod, local bushes, a float and natural bait? Well, today's video is like that! Just the monsters in the middle of the grass... Stick your finger in there, it's awesome!!! Link to the charity RAFFLE held to help the population of Rio Grande do Sul: https://rifa.digital/s/8NzCKqXLKU8 MATERIALS USED IN THIS FISHING TRIP: Barracuda Evolution Kayak by Fábio Baca ( https://caiaquelontras.com.br/barracu... ) Presa Viva Shirt by Fábio Baca 2024 Pants that turn into Presa Viva shorts Nautika Hybrid Shoes Nautika Thermal Bag - Bora Cooler 24 cans Pesca Brasil Restraint Pliers - Garra Ultra - by Fábio Baca Freshly made caipira rod, 0.90mm line, 7/0 hook and live bait! Reel set: Daisen HARIKEN X 30lb rod by Fábio Baca Daisen HARIKEN 3000 reel HARIKEN 8X multifilament line, 44lb FISHES CATCHED (in the order they appear): Judiá-onça; surubim-caparari; surubim-cachara; pirarucu and jau. Respect nature, preserve it! There is only fishing if the fish is alive... CATCH AND RELEASE!!!